Welcome to the world of tango

What exactly is tango?

Wikipedia claims: Tango is a popular Romantic dance, partner dance, and social dance that originated in the 1880s along the Río de la Plata, the natural border between Argentina and Uruguay. It was born in the impoverished port areas of these countries, where natives mixed with slave and European immigrant populations. The tango is the result of a combination of the German Waltz, Czech Polka, Polish Mazurka, and Bohemian Schottische with the Spanish-Cuban Habanera, African Candombe, and Argentinian Milonga. The tango was frequently practiced in the brothels and bars of ports, where business owners employed bands to entertain their patrons with music. The tango then spread to the rest of the world. Many variations of this dance currently exist around the world.

Some terminology

Practica: An informal practice session where dancers can take their first steps, give and receive instruction, try out new things, or discover what it is all about.

Milonga: A formal social tango dance. Dancers follow an established etiquette, and do not give or receive instruction on the dance floor.

Milonga also has another meaning. It is the name of a specific type of tango dance music. This can sometimes be a bit confusing for beginners, but not you, now that you know.

Tanda: A group of usually 3 or 4 songs danced together with a single partner.

Cortina: Tandas are separated by a short piece of music known as a cortina, this signals the end of the tanda and gives couples time to exit the floor.

Do I require a partner?

No, but if you have one that’s ok too! Although tango is a partner dance, during milongas we typically change partners after each tanda (set of 3 songs) so you can come alone, as a couple, or with friends.

Where do I start?

One of the best ways to begin is to attend a Wednesday night practica where you can meet some of our community, chat, ask questions, hear the music, and try it for yourself. Sometimes we run beginners classes, that info will be in the sidebar of this page, or at the bottom on mobile devices.

Another great idea is to join our facebook group, where you will find further information and can interact with the tango community.

We would love to meet you!